Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kona Brewing Company Koko Brown

The Kona Brewing Company has been available here on the east coast for a few years now.  When I first came to Connecticut, I saw a few of their beers scattered about, including two of the beers we had at the store when I started. They weren't big sellers so eventually we let them sell out and replaced them with other brews we hoped to be better movers.  Now there's a handful of people that ask about the Kona beers again, so we'll have to see how they are.

This is the Kona Brewing Company's Koko Brown Ale, their coconut-influenced nut brown ale. The Koko Brown pours out a dark brown color, not quite as dark as the picture suggests. The foam on top is a light cream color, that starts fairly thick but fades quickly.

The aromas are subtle, dominated by roasted malts with a just a touch of nutty aromas.  With some vigorous swirling in the glass I can pick up a little bit of that coconut I've heard so much about, but really only as an underlying layer.

The flavor profile is equally subtle. It's a soft brown ale, dominated by roasted (nearly burnt) malts with just a small influence of coconut and nut flavors.  I let the brew come closer to room temperature to see if I get a little more, but I'm unfortunately disappointed.  Actually as the Koko Brown comes up to temperature, it's becoming somewhat less drinkable.  Sorry, but I'm not excited about this one.

Kona Brewing Company
Koko Brown Ale
TCSH Rating - 5/10
Aka - It's beer, but that's about it

Bibo Ergo Sum

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