Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier

A beer that I've claimed over the past few years as one of my top ten favorites, tonight's beer is the Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier.  Brewed in Bavaria, Germany, Weihenstephan's label states that it's the oldest brewery in the world. Records date back to the year 768 with documents mentioning a hop garden, but the brewery was officially licensed in 1040.

The 17oz bottle pours at a clear burnt-amber color, with a nice thick ivory white foam on top.  The foam lingers for several minutes, and leaves behind a mild lacing as it recedes. The aromas are bright and distinct, with plenty of lemon, orange peel, banana, and spices. I absolutely love the aromas on this little Hefeweiss!

On the palate, the Weihenstephaner is flavorful and complex, yet so incredible easy to drink! The citrus and banana is right up front in my mouth, but not far behind is the spice and just a touch of alcohol. This is an absolutely delicious brew that I highly recommend for anyone who ever considered those mediocre mass-produced imitations.

Hefe Weissbier
TCSH Rating - 10/10
Aka - THE definition of great hefeweiss!

Bibo Ergo Sum

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