Sunday, January 29, 2012

Berkshire Brewing Hefeweizen

Berkshire Brewing company is a small craft brewery located just a short drive north of here in Massachusetts. Released at the peak of Summer, their Hefeweizen is only available into the fall (usually).  I'm a big fan of the seasonals from Berkshire Brewing Company so we often stock up a little extra at the store to enjoy these brews beyond their season alone.

This 22oz Bottle of Berkshire Brewing Hefeweizen pours a brilliant golden straw color.  Just a touch of haziness fills the glass, with a thin layer of ivory white foam on top. Last time I had this Hefeweizen the foam over-flowed my glass, but this is a few months older so I'm not really surprised the carbonation has faded a little.

What really strikes me in this brew is the nose; every time I have the Berkshire Hefeweizen I'm impressed by the aromas! More than any other Hefe that I've had, this smells like a glass full of banana! There's a little bit spice in the background, but the aromas are easily dominated by the banana, citrusy lemon, and other light fruity aromas.

The Hefeweizen is as full on the palate as it was on the nose. There's a significant portion of that banana and citrus that I was picking up in the aromas, as well as a substantial portion of spice.  Flavorful and full, yet easy-drinking and refreshing!  Not exactly the best brew to keep me warm on a cold night, but I've been drinking so many big stouts lately that this is a nice change of pace!

Berkshire Brewing Company
TCSH Rating 8.5/10
Aka - Not quite Weihenstephan, but very good quality!

Bibo Ergo Sum

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