Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dogfish Head - My Antonia

The Dogfish Head My Antonia is a brew we've had here at the store for a while now. But I'm fairly confused by its reputation so far. We had several people order it through our website, as if it was incredible and hard to find. In the store however, its very slow moving, as if most people never heard of it. Let's see if we can't sort some of this out.
Served in the standard shaped 22 oz bottle, the My Antonia pours a nice golden straw color. There's plenty of light fluffy foam, and just a touch of cloudiness through the beer.
Labeled as an "imperial pilsner", the My Antonia has much more going on than the average pilsner beer. There's a lot of hops on the nose, light, citrusy, floral hops. But its not just an in-your-face bitter ipa nose, its more complex and rounded than that.
The palate tells much the same story my nose did. My Antonia is far more hoppy than any pilsner I've ever tasted. The hops are round and balanced, not too bitter or edgy in any one direction. There's also a little bit of malts coming through in the background. Not as malty as the 90 Minute, but more malts than the 60 Minute.
Overall, this is a much better beer than I remembered, maybe the first time was too fresh and too hoppy. We've had this for a few months, so the hops probably faded back a fair amount. Now that the 90 Minute IPA is hard to find in New England, I think this is going to be my recommended substitute.
Dogfish Head - My Antonia
T.C.S.H. Rating: 8/10
aka - great brew, I recommend it to hop-heads everywhere
Bibo ergo sum

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