Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale

Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale

I've had this brew several times, and I don't think I've ever actually sat down to evaluate it.  So, here goes…

The distinctive 22oz painted bottle sticks out on the shelf like a sore thumb.  The gargoyle catches your eye immediately.  If you take the time to read the back of the bottle, you endure a few insults, insinuations, and some other comical anecdotes. 

The Arrogant Bastard pours a dark rusty color, and fairly opaque.  The foam is heavy at first, but subsides relatively quickly.  The almond-colored foam leaves behind a fairly heavy lacing.  There is very little, if any, carbonation rising from the bottom of the glass, which surprises me.  At 7.2% abv, I expected more visible carbonation.

Putting my nose in the glass, I'm getting some hops, but nothing over-whelming.  It's not nearly as hoppy in the nose as the Lagunitas Hop Stoopid I had last night.  I'm also getting a bit of malts, but very roasty, almost burnt malts. 

Once I take a sip, I remember why I never review this beer.  It really is just like they describe on the bottle!  The Arrogant Bastard is mildly hoppy, but well "balanced" with some dark roasted (burnt) malts.  I say "balanced" because the two don't really seem to balance either other at all.  It's as if you took the oil and vinegar and through them into a pot in exactly the same proportions.  Just because it's equal, doesn't mean it's balanced.

The malt sweetness is definitely present, but very short-lived.  The hops seem to stick to my tongue for hours.  The brew overall is kind-of rough, strong, and I don't know, the exact opposite of mellow, smooth and balanced?!

Stone Brewing Company
Arrogant Bastard Ale
TCSH Rating: 7.5/10
AKA – Awesomely innovative and unique, but not my style

"Bibo Ergo Sum"

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