Friday, March 4, 2011

Stillwater Artisanal - Existent

Matt had this a few weeks ago, really enjoyed it. Said it was somewhere between a stout and a black IPA, I'm not really sure what to expect. Pours almost black, but with just a touch of lighter hue, like a really, really dark brown. Very little foam arises, unless I swirl it heavily. The foam that does appear is a light tan/coffee color, and disappears pretty quickly.

It smells like a soft/curious black ipa. There is definitely some notable hops present, but mild. There is some unique aromas of yeast/funk, cocoa, smoke, and more that I can't quite put my finger on. It really does smell like a black ipa crossed with a stout.

The taste follows through perfecty! It's deep and dark like a stout, nice notes of caramel, chocolate, and smoke, as well as some mild hops. As the beer warms, the stout side of it subsides, and the hops and other flavors come through stronger. There is some subtle hops, mostly floral more than bitter. There is also some evidence of a belgian yeasty/funky/fruitiness to it.

It really does seem like a blend between a stout, black ipa, and a saisson! Matt's description was right on the money! I'm not sure this is a beer I'd have frequently. It's very drinkable, but it's somewhere between huge and awesome (like World Wide Stout) and easy and drinkable (like Weihenstephan).

Stillwater Artisanal
TCSH Rating:  7.5/10
Aka:  Recommended, but not incredible

Bibo ergo sum

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