Friday, March 11, 2011

Dogfish Head Namaste

Dogfish Head Namaste, like all their other brews, comes to us with a little hype and a little catch. Dogfish has had some trouble supplying all the markets lately, so quantities are again pretty limited. Described on the website as a Belgian-style White, made with orange slices, lemongrass, and coriander, the Namaste is sure to be interesting.

The Namaste pours into my Duvel glass a light yellow/golden color, and very hazy. It's not completely opaque, but about as opaque as I've seen an American made White. The head is nice and thick, lots of carbonation makes for a soft, fluffy, one-inch foam.

Aromas fill my nose with light citrus notes, the lemon and orange is fairly evident. It doesn't smell nearly as full or spicy as I expected though. I'm not really getting any coriander, but there is a distinct yeasty layer to it. Overall the aromas are very soft, but definitely a bit interesting.

Once I take a sip, wow is that tasty! Very smooth and refreshing, yet complex and interesting at the same time. Just a tiny bit of hops shows through the light citrus wheat beer. Very creamy mouth feel, very subtle nuance of the yeasty citrus beer.

I think many of the American imitations in the Belgian White style fall short of greatness. Several brand names come to mind, eh-hem Blue Moon, that are just mediocre representations of really great styles. The Dogfish Head Namaste doesn't fall into that category. Refreshing and smooth, yet fairly full and complex. This is one of the best American imitations I've seen.

Dogfish Head Namaste
TCSH Rating: 8/10
Aka- very good, can I have another?

Bibo ergo sum

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