Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dogfish Head Midas Touch

The Dogfish Midas Touch is a brew I've had a few times, but finally sat down with the intention to review. Supposedly the recipe for the Midas Touch came from the oldest know fermented beverage. The concept of this recipe comes from analysis of drinking vessels in the tomb of King Midas, nearly 3,000 years old!

The Dogfish Midas Touch pours from a 12oz bottle a dark golden-amber color, with just a touch of cloudiness. The head is very, very mild, and only reappears after some vigorous swirling in the glass. What foam does arise is nearly bone-white in color. At nearly 10% abv, I'm not surprised by the head, or lack thereof.

Aromas of the Midas Touch are complex and nearly baffling. Fresh out of the bottle, I'm getting a touch of honey and mild spices. As the brew warms closer to room temperature, notes of florals, white grapes, herbs, and even a little noble rot (botrytis for you non-wine lovers).

Taking a sip, wow, that's different! Not because its super weird, but because it's so drinkable. I'm getting hints on the palate of the honey, the alcohol, and some white grapes. But, all the flavors meld together quite well. Balanced, and subtle, each unique flavor compliments the others nicely.

Overall, this is a pretty cool brew. It reminds me of the Otter Creek QVH and the Dogfish Theobroma. The brews themselves aren't so incredible that I lose sleep, but they are pretty awesome interpretations of very unique styles.

Dogfish Head Brewing Midas Touch
TCSH Rating - 7/10
Aka- really cool brew, give one a try

Bibo ergo sum

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