Friday, August 26, 2011

Heavy Seas The Great Pumpkin

One more stop on my virtual tour of pumpkin beers...The Great Pumpkin from Heavy Seas (Clipper City), down in Maryland.  This is a brew I've been drinking most of the summer, but realized I had never done an actual review.  So, here we go...

Pours out a slightly hazy version of gamboge, sort-of a light-amber, with a touch of rust.  The head is fairly mild in thickness, but lively when you give it a good swirl.  Just off-white in color, I'm not surprised by the lack of head, this Great Pumpkin checks in at a commanding 8% abv.

The nose is intriguing!  Just the slightest touch of sweet pumpkin aromas, but plenty of alluring spices.  Much in the same way the Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin is dominated by spices, rather than pumpkin, this is very similar.  The spices here though are on the sweeter side of things, reminds me more of nutmeg and ginger, and less of the cinnamon and clove that I usually pick up.

Ah yes, I had almost forgotten how delicious this Great Pumpkin is!  Just like the nose, there is just a hint of sweet pumpkin flavors, but nice sweet spices.  I am picking up a little more pumpkin on the nose than I am on the palate, as the flavors are heavily dominated by the spices.  And this is all-in-all a sweet, malt-bomb of deliciousness.  It lacks a little of the powerful pumpkin and spice that I enjoy, but it is a thoroughly delicious brew.

Overall, I definitely recommend the Heavy Seas Great Pumpkin.  There is no bottling/freshness date on the bottle, so I'm wondering if a fresh bottle would make a difference.  It's not the best pumpkin beer I've had, but I do like it very much.  Maybe this would make a good introduction for craft beer drinkers that are new to pumpkin beer?  You know, rather than give them the best right out of the gate, start them off with something a little more crowd friendly?  But, at the same time, I'd hate to hand them something less flavorful, and give them a poor representation all-together.

Heavy Seas
The Great Pumpkin
TCSH Rating - 8.5/10
Aka - Very good beer, but still missing something

Bibo Ergo Sum

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