Friday, May 20, 2011

Heavy Seas Hang Ten

The Heavy Seas weizen doppelbock wheat beer "Hang Ten" just came in this week. I was told there wasn't a lot to go around, so it was something I had to try. I'm a big fan of wheat beers, doppelbocks, and of course Heavy Seas.
Upon pouring, the aromas are leaping from the glass at me. The pour reveals a very dark rusty colored beer, with a light fluffy head. The foam is a light beige tone, and not super thick, but very fluffy and pillowy.
A little bit a swirling creates a ton of foam with such tiny bubbles I'm mildly amazed. Its sticking to the glass a little bit, creating some subtle lacing.
With my nose in the glass the first thing I get is the alcohol. I'm not surprised, considering the label declares the "Hang Ten" at 10% abv. This might be three highest alcohol wheat beer I've ever had. After I get past the booze aromas, I'm getting some soft wheat aromas that reminds me of the Weihenstephan Hefeweis. I'm getting virtually no hops at all, with some heavy malty sweets. There's definitely a bit of spice, but its tough to pick out any distinct aromas underneath the sweet wheaty malts.
With my first sip, it tastes great, but I'm a little disappointed. It tastes much more like a good hefe than it does a doppelbock. There is some mild spice, but like the aromas, dominated by malty sweetness. The "Hang Ten" goes down super smooth, its as fluffy in the mouth as it was when I first poured. Seriously, it's weird, it feels like cotton candy!
Although I'm a little disappointed comparing this to other doppelbock brews, the "Hang Ten" quite enjoyable. I'm a huge fan of the "Vitus" from Weihenstephan, for its body, spice, and drinkability; but the Hang Ten is very tasty. Yes Chris, I used the word "tasty" in that sentence.
So, is the Hang Ten an incredible version of a doppelbock? Maybe not. But I'm quite happy with my beer tonight. Try a bottle and tell me what you think.
Heavy Seas (Clipper City)
"Hang Ten" weizen doppelbock
TCSH Rating: 7/ 10
Aka - delicious, even if its not the best example of the style
Elliot at Sonoma Wines & Spirits, Glastonbury
Sent from a Droid smartphone, please excuse the typos.

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