Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clipper City Holy Sheet

Clipper city brewing, heavy seas, Holy Sheet uber abbey ale.  Yep, that's a mouthful, and so is this beer.

Coming from just outside of Baltimore, Clipper City has made some serious headway in the world of craft beer.  Their Loose Cannon has become one of the most popular craft beers in our store, and their seasonal are always worth grabbing.

This brew tonight is their limited Holy Sheet "uber abbey ale".  At about 9% abv, its definitely going to be uber something.  It pours out a dark amber color, with medium head.  The foam is unusually tiny bubbles, but fades quickly. At nine percent alcohol, I'm not surprised by how quickly the foam disappears.

The Holy Sheet smells like a malt bomb, and I'm getting excited!  My first sip reveals tons of complexity, malty goodness, and a little bit of booziness.  I'm getting flavors of toffee and caramel, with plenty of sweet malty flavors like vanilla and honey.

The Holy Sheet reminds me of a blend of two of my favorite beers, the Chimay Grande Reserve and Delirium Nocturnum.  Medium to full bodied, a bit on the boozy side, with just the right amount of malty sweetness.  I'm a big fan of the Holy Sheet, I recommend it highly.

Clipper City (Heavy Seas) Holy Sheet
Uber Abbey Ale
TCSH Rating: 8.5/10
Aka - give it a try, I loved it

Bibo ergo sumo

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