Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rahr & Sons The Regulator

Two posts in one day? What is wrong with me? Answer: there is so much beer to drink and so little time (in other words, it's not my fault).

Another Rahr & Sons beer on the docket for the night (day, whatever). And this one is a lager. A doppelbock, to be exact. This should be exciting, right? The Regulator sounds intimidating. Here it goes...

The Regulator pours a lovely ruby red-mahogany, crystal clear, with a variable light tan head (size seems to depend on the type of glass used, as it often does; for most beers I tend to use a footed/stem glass but even those have a wide variation in bowl shape). The body, while clear, does not look thick nor oily, and actually seems a bit watery, which might be the only downside to the whole appearance package. Unfortunately, I fear the appearance might be the best part of this beer.

This was not a particularly aromatic beer, and the little I could pick up was less than astounding. There were bits of chocolate, hints of caramel, and hints of bread, and not much in the ways of hops either; with doppelbocks being a malt bomb most times, this was rather underwhelming and did not bode well for the taste.

As I expected, the taste was also unimpressive but not bad, mind you. It had hints of chocolate and hints of caramel, but nothing stood out. Doppelbocks are supposed to be big, bold beers (see classics such as Ayinger Celebrator and Weihenstephaner Korbinian; or even an American take on the style that is quite popular: Great Lakes The Dopplerock) and The Regulator did not live up to the standard. Not to mention the finish was somewhat dry, like a bread verging on stale that calls for a drink of water after eating it or perhaps butter on the bread itself.

Available around Texas, $7-9 for a 22 oz bottle.

Rahr & Sons Brewing
The Regulator Doppelbock
TCSH - 6-6.5/10
Aka - Worth trying once. Split it, and the cost, with a friend.


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