Sunday, July 8, 2012

Goose Island Demolition

I don't know what Eli has in the shop (if you haven't visited the site yet, you should), but I got this beer in a trade with a guy from Kentucky, along with a few other special Goose Island beers that will show up here if Eli lets me have my way. And I must say, this beer delivered.

Most people in the US beer world have heard of Goose Island, and their sale to InBev, and most people still really want their beer. Well, I am no exception. I even made a trip up to Chicago just to drink at their Clybourn location. Sadly I was there a day early and, therefore, missed their release of Black Mission on tap...

Anyway, on to the beer. Demolition is a Belgian style Golden Ale, which really doesn't mean much except that it will be golden in color, usually lighter in body, and have some yeasty and light fruit flavors. This is all true, but there was something different.

A lot of Goose Island beers that are "special" releases (Bourbon County Stout, Matilda, Pepe Nero, Pere Jacques, The Three Sisters, King Henry, you get the idea) have on their label that the beer will mature in the bottle for up to five years. Demolition did not say this, but instead said that it would remain fresh for up to 180 days past the bottle on date. That is fine, I like beers to have a bottle on date on the label and/or a drink by date. This bottle of Demolition was bottled on May 18, 2011.

This beer was over a year old!

I drank it anyway. It was very pleasant. Light in body with a slick, almost oily looking texture and body with a bright white head, as expected. Smelled like bread, had a bold yeast profile, and reminded me of lighter colored fruits, such as white grapes. For a year old beer, when it is only expected to last half a year, I was quite surprised at how well it held up.

I would like to try a fresher bottle, but given what I had, I enjoyed it.

Goose Island Beer Company
Demolition Belgian Style Golden Ale
TCSH - 8.5/10
Aka - If you can get it, try it. Maybe even age it for a while.

I'm still the new guy

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