Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New England Brewing - 668

A brand new arrival, and a very limited one at that, this is the 668 "The Neighbor of the Beast" from New England Brewing.  Even though they're located just a short drive from here, we get very limited quantities of the 668, and therefore I've never been able to try it before.  Tonight I thought it was a necessity, so Gunnar and I cracked a can to split.

The 668 comes in 12oz aluminum cans with no discernible canning date or alcohol level. The cardboard flat that the cans arrived on was dated March 28th, 2012, so this batch is pretty darn fresh. The brew pours a slightly hazy golden straw color, with a nice white foam.  The main body of foam dissipates relatively quickly, but a thin film of carbonation is present throughout the duration.

The aromas on the 668 are lightly sweet and citrusy.  The last brew I had from New England Brewing was the Ghandi Bot, and I totally wasn't prepared for this soft little guy today. A little bit of that typical 'belgian funk' is present in the background, but the citrus and spice is definitely the dominate force in the aromas.

On the palate the start is very nicely sweet, followed by some nice fruit esters, and finishes with a crisp dryness in the back of the palate.  There's just a touch of hops clinging to the back of my tongue, but the overall impression is distinctly citrusy, fruity, and a touch sweet.  A nice medium body makes the 668 both flavorful and quite drinkable.

All said and done, I'm quite impressed! This "Belgian Strong Pale Ale" is very balanced, smooth, and well-done.  If this were available on a regular basis, it would be a staple in my own fridge.  Great job guys!

New England Brewing
668 - The Neighbor of the Beast
TCSH Rating - 9/10
Aka - When can we get more?

Bibo Ergo Sum

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