Saturday, January 14, 2012

New England Brewing Elm City Lager

In honor of 77 years of putting beers in cans, I've got another craft beer review from a little 12oz aluminum 'bullet.'  This is the Elm City Lager from New England Brewing right here in Connecticut.

The Elm City Lager pours into my pilsner glass a brilliant straw yellow with plenty of bright white foam. The foam lasts longer than expected and even leaves behind a little bit of lacing which also caught me off-guard.  The nose isn't super complex but it is crisp and clean with just a touch of hops. In all honesty, this is the smell that comes to mind when I try to think of the smell of "beer." Imagine something like Miller or Budweiser, without the skunk and other defaults.  That is, if they could make a good beer it would smell like this.

Flavor profile is also not ultra deep and complex but that's probably why I enjoy this. It's clean and smooth on the palate with a softly dry finish. Again, I'm imagining that if you could take a gummy bear that tasted exactly like the definition of "beer" it would taste just like this. Just a touch of mild malts and a perfectly dry and slightly bitter finish.

Easy drinking yet flavorful lagers don't get much better than this! If you're not already supporting the local economy, grab a six-pack of the Elm City Lager from New England Brewing.  And keep an eye out for their Imperial Stout Trooper, it should be hitting shelves soon.

New England Brewing Company
Elm City Lager
TCSH Rating - 8.5/10
Aka - Perfectly flavorful and refreshing

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