Monday, January 23, 2012

Leffe Brune

Now I've been staring at our set of Leffe glasses in the store for 2 years now, but this will be the first time I've ever had the dark version of the brew. The best known brew from the Leffe Abbey is their Blonde Ale, but the Leffe Brune (Brown) is the slightly stronger and obviously darker concoction from the Abbey of Notre Dame Leffe (translation might be inaccurate, blame google).

For such a dark brown colored beer, the foam on top is quite white in color.  A very thick foam rises to the top, a good finger and a half to two fingers thick. The beer itself is a very dark brown color, nearly completely opaque, but just a touch of light makes it through.

Aromas are full of brown sugar, roasted malts and candy sweetness. There's also a bit of spice and nutty notes in the nose, and maybe a little toffee?  On the palate the Brune is much lighter than expected!  With all that malty sweetness in the nose, I expected a bit more intensity in the mouth.  The Brune is fairly light in body dominated entirely by both fruity and roasted malts with a fair amount of alcohol shining through.  I'm surprised how much the alcohol is noticeable, as the website lists the Brune at only a subtle 6.5% abv.

The Leffe Brune is a flavorful and smooth but not super impressive.  I've had a Blonde several times and to the best of my recollection, the Blonde was a bit more impressive in quality.  I have no trouble finishing this Leffe Brune tonight, but I don't see myself reaching for another either.

Abbay of Notre Dame
Leffe Brune
TCSH Rating - 6/10
Aka - Meh, good but nothing great

Bibo Ergo Sum

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