Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nov 16th - Fontodi Chianti Classico 2008

My wine of the day, the Fontodi Chianti Classico 2008.  Founded in the late 1960's, the Fontodi estate has been one of the most high-profile wineries in all of Italy. Owned by Giovanni Manetti and his family, there are few estates in the world has covetted as Fontodi.

Best known for their super-Tuscan named Flaccianello, the winemaker at Fontodi has won more awards than any other Italian winemaker in history. Franco Bernabei, winemaker and consulting-winemaker at a number of wineries, is seen as not only a talented winemaker, but also a visionary.

This Chianti Classico 2008 has been a much awaited release.  Following such a fantastic vintage in Tuscany like 2006 was not an easy task.  The 2008's have been scoring quite well with the critics and reviewers.  Fontodi Chianti Classico, in particular, was given 93pts by James Suckling, the highest he has ever awarded a Chianti Classico.

Although young and quite tight, this Chianti Classico is showing absolutely lovely balance between fruit and tannins.  The tannins and acidity coat my tongue better than my grandmothers afghan blanket on a cold winter night.  The fruit is present, but reserved.  Although the fruit is nice, I'd really like to see what it tastes like in another 5 years or so.

The acidity is high, and tannic structure deep, so aging is an obvious direction.  In the past, Fontodi also produced a Riserva bottling, but has since put all of that energy and fruit into the standard Chianti Classico.  I agree with Suckling's comment, that the the absence of the Riserva bottling, combined with low yields in 2008, combine to express fantastic concentration and depth in this bottle.

Never had a Fontodi Chianti Classico?  There's no better time to try than now!  The 2008, one of the best in years (if not ever) sells for under $40/bottle.  Yep, that's right, under $40 per bottle!  When's the last time you went to your local wine shop and said "Give me your best Napa Cab (or Bordeaux, Burgundy, Pinot, whatever), and the guy handed you a bottle anything less than $100?!

Chianti Classico 2008
TCSH Rating - 12/10
Aka - If it were any better, I'd be sick

Bibo Ergo Sum

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