Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rodenbach Rodenbach

Another sour? Yes, I love sours. I told you, but no, you didn't believe me. Anyway...

Rodenbach is probably one of the most recognizable sours out there. Sours are all the Rodenbach company produces. And I was super excited to finally try this, and I did drink this whenever I could get it in Belgium. Rodenbach is a Flanders Red.

One more piece of info on the sour style, that I forgot to include in the last post. Beer is traditionally brewed in sterile environments to prevent infections and contamination from wild yeast (and bacteria), but the style of sours welcomes the wild yeast contamination, usually in the aging barrels, to get that tartness. Don't let that deter you from drinking them though, those little creatures won't hurt you, they're just like brewers' yeast, except "wild."

So, Rodenbach pours dark brown-ruby red with some small khaki brown fizz that dissipates quickly (that damn acidity again). The cork almost shot off the bottle, though, after I got the cage off. The aroma is actually just sour, with some sweetness, perhaps vanilla or toffee/caramel, underneath. The taste is sour, and sweet, through and through. There aren't really any sort of fruit flavors or malt flavors that are recognizable, just sour and sweet. That doesn't bother me.

The beer is smooth, but otherwise does not do too much in the mouth. It is not overly carbonated, and is neither watery nor chewy. It is just there. And it is sour. Another fantastic introduction into the style.

Brouwerij Rodenbach
TCSH - 7.5/10
Aka - Good, but not a shining star.


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