Monday, July 16, 2012

New Glarus Wisconsin Belgian Red

So, after reading Eli's post about the Founder's Cerise (which I would still like to try) I decided I should post about a cherry fruit beer. And it just so happens to be one of the hardest beers to get outside of Wisconsin. That's right, the state that is the furthest laterally north of me. My mother brought back a bottle, and I've had it a few times up there, including once at the brewery.

New Glarus Brewing Company is a tiny operation run by Daniel and Deborah Carey up in the small Swiss style town of New Glarus, Wisconsin and the brewery grounds are breathe-taking. Imagine a little Château-like thing sitting atop a hill overlooking the town, with a decent sized field area with picnic tables scattered about. On to the beer!

Wisconsin Belgian Red is a cherry beer made with Door County cherries, which are supposedly famous (I'll take their word for it), and locally grown barley. The bottle is a 750 mL bottle that comes with a couple thin layers of reddish wax around the cap. The beer pours out pretty much straight red, or ruby red, very clear, and has pink (you heard it ladies, pink) fizz sitting on top. The smell is exclusively of cherries, as expected. And the taste is, as well, exclusively of cherries and is rather sweet.

If you like cherries, fruit beers, sweet beers, or just trying new and different beers then this is a must try. I will say this, though I really liked it, it can be a little too sweet after a while.

New Glarus Brewing Co.
Wisconsin Belgian Red
TCSH - 9/10
Aka - "she's my cherry pie..."


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