Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New England Brewing Gandi-Bot Double IPA

The always anticipated recent release of New England Brewing's Gandhi-Bot Double India Pale Ale...

When you first pour this hop-crazy Gandi-Bot you notice the light golden colored body and the fairly thin, egg shell colored head. There is a lot of lacing around the glass as there should be with this double hopped brew.

As I was writing in my notebook about this beer, and before I had taken my first sip I was maybe a foot away and could just smell the intensity of this. Genuine American hops that'll blow your nose away, very aromatic.

The first sip you take isn't as intense as you may think when it comes to a double I.P.A, in fact it may taste quite hoppy and even bitter but what I noticed is that its a softer hoppy taste, unlike such I.P.A's like Smuttynose. I've had Smuttynose IPA and it just seemed to stick to my tongue like duct-tape.

Overall, after having this I can safely say that even though I'm personally not a big I.P.A drinker, this double IPA Gandi-Bot has won me over. It's smoother than expected for a double and has just the right amount of hop flavor and bitterness for anyone to brag about. 

New England Brewing
Gandi-Bot Double IPA
TCSH Rating - 7/10
Aka - very good, but not awe-inspiring


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